Tuesday, September 15, 2009

new computer!

For my birthday, I asked for gift cards to Apple so that I might one day be able to replace that wheezing, puffing, dying excuse for a computer that I call Pierre the Dell. Pierre the Dell has been giving me problems since about 6 months after I purchased him. The last straw was when about a month ago he took 35-- 35!!! minutes to start up. So, with a fair amount in gift cards from my incredibly generous and loving parents and sisters, as well as with the money I am making at my glamorous job (read: a dining hall on campus), I went out and purchased a snazzy new MacBook Pro!

It FINALLY came in on Friday, and my excuse for not blogging all weekend is because of football and this new device that I can't quiiiite get over.

But I've finally got her up and running (shall I name her?), and so it is back to the blogging world with me! Satirical Sundays weren't as big a hit as I had hoped, so I've been brainstorming other weeklies that I am planning to test drive.

1 comment:

Torch Lake Prep said...

love my macbook (I'm on my 2nd) but I did cave and buy office for mac, didn't have enough patience to learn pages. GOOD LUCK!